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Iran’s Unprecedented Strike in Pakistan Raises Regional Tensions

ByRahul Gholap

Jan 17, 2024
Iran's Unprecedented Strike in Pakistan Raises Regional TensionsIran's Unprecedented Strike in Pakistan Raises Regional Tensions

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard took an unprecedented step by launching a daring assault on militant bases in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. The attack, aimed at Jaish al-Adl, resulted in tragic collateral damage, escalating tensions between the two nations.

Iran-Pakistan Escalation

In an unexpected move, Iran targeted ‘Sunni militant bases’ in Pakistan, triggering a diplomatic crisis.

Iran's Unprecedented Strike in Pakistan Raises Regional Tensions
Iran’s Unprecedented Strike in Pakistan Raises Regional Tensions

Targeted Assault

Iran executed a calculated missile strike on Jaish al-Adl’s two main bases in Pakistan. This strategic move followed recent missile attacks on targets in Iraq and Syria.

Strategic Demolition

The focus of the operation was on demolishing the key strongholds of Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan, as reported by Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency.

Militant Group in Focus

Jaish al-Adl, also known as the “Army of Justice,” faced a novel and aggressive approach from Iran, marking a shift in their confrontation.

Retaliatory Move

The attack follows a deadly assault on an Iranian police station, attributed to Jaish al-Adl, indicating a potential motive behind Iran’s military actions.

What They’re Saying

Pakistan’s foreign ministry condemned the strike as an “unprovoked violation” of sovereignty, hinting at severe repercussions. The ministry expressed concern over the illegal act despite established communication channels.

Iran’s state media provided no details or evidence of the strikes. Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian’s meeting with Pakistan’s caretaker Prime Minister remained unaccompanied by an official statement.

The Big Picture

The Iran-Pakistan border, mostly in the restive province of Sistan-Balochistan, faces long-standing tensions. Iran accuses Pakistan of supporting militant groups, threatening raids, while Pakistan denies allegations, urging respect for its territorial integrity.

Why It Matters

The attack inside nuclear-armed Pakistan jeopardizes longstanding diplomatic ties, escalating the risk of instability in an already volatile region.

Regional Dynamics

Iran’s aggressive posturing in Iraq, Syria, and now Pakistan signals a broader strategy, responding to threats and projecting power.

Geopolitical Chessboard

The region’s fragile balance, with geopolitical rivalries and internal strife, is at risk of igniting with the slightest provocation.

Broader Implications

Iran’s actions, coupled with the US and allies’ responses to Houthi attacks, indicate a disturbing trend. The Biden administration’s contemplation of designating the Houthis as global terrorists underscores the urgent need for a coordinated response to prevent a full-scale regional war.

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